Wednesday, August 22, 2007

22nd of August, Wednesday

Anderson and his love, Samantha

I didn't blog yesterday. All these late nights of blogging and all the lying awake thinking about the many issues of this world have finally taken a toll and i passed out like a log.

What's been happening? Well, some good news first. Francina got taken in by the welfare people. Michael (aka music man) told me yesterday morning. They came, and picked her - as the oldest and the sickest. They said to her that they have free accommodation in Alex and invited her to go with them. She went, and everyone is really happy for her. At her age and with her health condition she needs more then anything a roof over her head and a stable community around... the little things people tend to take for granted. Everyone in the street is really happy for her. Wish her well, dear readers. She deserves this little strike of luck.

In other news - I threatened to kill a man. I am not usually the violent type, but this crazy bastard hit Fugile in the face in front of the whole street. He has previously claimed that the women in the street are poisoning his food with muti, and didn't spare threats. I humored him and fed him.

This time I am told he tried to get Fugile into bed against her will, and when that didn't work - he got angry, which led to this.

Michael - he is such a star - called me. Fugile showed me where he was. When i confronted him, he tried to tell me that she provoked him. I told him if he came anywhere near her again I would have him arrested. He got all aggressive with me, and shouted at her that he would kill her. I then used a sentence I've always dreamt of using: ''You won't get to, because you'll be dead. I will have you killed!''

Ok, ok, so i didn't deal with it in the calmest of manners... but I just don't take well to men hitting women. These women have enough trouble in the streets without having to take abuse from people like him. I dream of being a big guy with my own baseball bat...

I was driving home today. It was almost surreal. It was late and the streets were devoid of the hustle and bustle of the day shoppers, and the under-life was still settling into their places of rest. I caught a glimpse of Michael talking to a friend, and Thandi sitting alone on the corner, with an empty look on her face, clutching her few possessions. I saw a woman screaming something into the empty darkness...

I have to get these people of the street. Everything i do is so futile in the light of the fact that any night some violent encounter could end their lives, if disease, hunger, cold or poor living conditions don't do the job first.

I was speaking to a friend on Saturday. he calls himself Groen mannetjie and does a lot of work in sustainable farming, medicinal plants etc. He was saying how if i could only get a plot, or a piece of land of some description - I could let these people work with soil, grow their own wholesome food, be their own bosses etc.

So here is my ideal vision (drum roll):
- Get a plot. Move everyone there and start a small farming community which grows enough food not only for themselves, but also to support a vegan soup kitchen that i - and Colleen I am sure - can operate. That way the people can be a community and have a purpose, which is currently taken from their life by a malfunctioning system. Get the wire guys and such like in there to teach them skills and start an small art gallery.

Oh and put an animal shelter in there. Why? because that's what i care about, and i think it's important to help other species. And because it's my dream, ok :-)

Medical expenses and basic costs can be sponsored by willing companies. Perhaps herbal medicine as well as advice on optimal eating with HIV, etc can be obtained.

Ok.. so now i just need some really rich people with plots to read this :-)


Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be nice if you can get a plot, open an animal shelter and then take in all these people and teach them how to work with animals and then send them in to the poorer communities and have them teach people how to treat and look after animals and then you can get sponsors for wood and stuff and these guys can work on kennel building projects and help sick animals and and and?! It is all about compassion - something you have so much of. Much respect to you my dear friend.

OH OH OH and then you can start organic farming and these guys can start their own organic farm markets and lines!!! And sell to places like Pick and Pay!!!

Anastasya said...

that's EXACTLY my train of thought. If people in need learn to car for animals and understand that we all share this planet and need to look out for each other - the world would be a better place.

I actually have enough people that know a lot about sustainable farming to pull of something decent... but this is all a dream of course ;-)

Gregory thompson said...

Im all for animal shelters!!!!
People are more tricky than animal folk, I think what these people need is to learn new skills. Anastasya, you just little you cant save the whole world.

Unknown said...

Don't ever say it is just a dream. I am a firm believer in if it is possible, it is achievable. Start by approaching places like Woolies or PnP and set up a proposal and see whether you can't find sponsorship. Even present it to local government - they are all for job creation etc etc. And if the ANC won't listen, speak to the opposition. I am sure if they can pull a rabbit out of the hat, they will win some votes from the poorer communities.

Anonymous said...

One person doesnt need to save the whole world. One person needs to inspire a few people.

all it takes is R150. If one person gives R150, they can feed a bunch of people for one day. If 30 people give R150 every month, you can feed a bunch of people at least one meal a day every day. if 60 give R150 you have a place to stay for some of them . 90 and a doctor visits four times a month. 120 and you'll have a plot.

How readily do you think people will pledge R150 per month? You have mine and Colleens if it goes that way.

Evyl Shnukums said...

Some of these people have amazing skills already. What they need is a chance. I'm the Colleen mentioned in the blog - I know exactly what the challenges are - as does Anastasya - but we also believe that these people are worth fighting for

Anastasya said...

I don't want to save the whole world. I just want to chose a few things i care about - it has always only been animals really, and now this amazing group of people too - and do my bit to change the situation a bit, and hopefully get others to do the same, who in return will get more people etc.. I would like my immediate world to be a microcosm of the world i would like to live in, i.e: less suffering more togetherness.

I agree re skills. Anything from farming to art.

Anastasya said...

Malcolm, thats actually a simple yet amazing idea.

Anonymous said...

I think its an amazing idea! I like Malcom's comment on the finances. I didnt realise how plausable it actually is until now.
